Wednesday, May 23, 2012


"Geeez…I dunno. Don’t you think they’re…um…a little flashy?"

"Naw. Everybody’s riding these kinds of rims. And the chicks like 'em."

"I’m fifty-something, married for thirty years. I got grown kids and a bad leg."

"Oh. That’s too bad. I mean...havin’ a bad leg."

I quizzed the assistant manager at Humongous Tire World about the available wheel choices in my price bracket. I needed to get rid of the original rims because they were so out of round that hub caps would no longer stay on. Besides, they looked like crap.

My introduction to this process started at 8:00 AM. I stood behind the first customer, biding my time and looking around at the open floor plan of what is really a spacious warehouse with windows. Tires of every variety were stacked everywhere. Not realizing my mental drift while waiting, I started giggling at the memory of an episode of The Red Green Show, involving tires.

If you’ve never seen or heard of The Red Green Show, it was broadcast up here in New England by PBS for several years. It was a fictional show hosted by a fictional backwoods mountain man named Red Green who would provide all sorts of backcountry, old timey, remedies and solutions to the common man and home maker’s everyday problems. Like transforming a 1971 AMC Gremlin into a gull wing car with a steel plate cutter and a roll of duct tape. But his brilliance was unsurpassed in the episode dedicated to recycling truck tires into a girls’ bedroom set. He showed how to stack and tack so as to create a chest of drawers, and how the do-it-your-selfer could create the most awesome bunk bed for sleep-overs with reclaimed Super Swamper tires and posts from a chain link fence.

Anyway, the assistant manager and first customer were giving me the wrinkled brow as I snapped out of my mirth. When my turn came up I inquired as to my options for new wheels not requiring hub caps.

My attendant bore a striking resemblance and nuance to Cheech Marin. I forget his name now, but I’ll call him Ralph.

"I need four rims Ralph."

"Ok, whatta ya want? We got five, six, eight, ten and twelve spoke wheels with chrome. The chrome looks real good. "

"Cheap. I want cheap."

"How much you wanna pay?"

"A hundred bucks, tops."

"Oh, hell, we got all sorts of choices for a hundred. Take a look at those Diablos over there. A hundered apiece installed, balanced, and warranted for a year. The deal can’t be beat."

"There must be a misunderstanding. Did you say $100 A PIECE?"


"No. I only want to pay $100 for all four."

Ralph look at me, then he looked over to the other attendant standing next to him watching our discourse. They both burst out laughing, and had the nerve to fake leaning on each other for support to keep from collapsing with the pain of hilarity.

This transaction was going south, fast.

I said, "I don’t understand."

"No, man. The best I can do for you is $350 for four wheels, installed and balanced, with chrome lug nuts, and a two follow up torque checks. Three-fifty. Plus tax."

"What the F-ing JC on a crutch deal is that? Are you serious? I don’t need chrome lug nuts. Screw the torque check or whatever."

"It’s a package. Check out the competition, man. You can’t do better."

"Alright. What are my choices?"

"Right over there in that stack display. Second row down. Third from the left. The Black Knight. Five spokes, chrome lugs. Sweet."

"My car is eleven years old. It’s got 180K on it, dents and scratches Ralph. It’s silver."

"Ohhh. Ok, then we got the Maxxum Versa for the same price. Ten spokes, brushed satin finish, aircraft grade aluminum alloy. Third row down. Just below the Black Knight. Clean. It’s got sex appeal."

I expressed my doubts about the compatibility of these new wheels with the age and pedigree of The Bullet... and me. But I knew from previous on line searches that I was not going to do better despite my feigned indignation at being "gouged" for four pieces of aluminum.

"MAXXUM VERSA, huh? Does the PACKAGE come with a wide brim hat? If I’m going to  cruise down the street in a Superfly ride I want to be wearing matching gear."

And here we are.

Time to cue up the Curtis Mayfield on the stereo.

Monday, May 21, 2012

The Bullet

My Toyota Camry, aka The Silver Bullet, and I were on errands this weekend. My ride takes me where ever I want to go and never complains. Although it’s got high mileage, the car’s relatively low maintenance, smooth running, and great little CD stereo system keep me as happy as a clam. Yeah, I’d like that Porsche…at $65,000, or the Maserati that has me drooling for only $600 a month for a two year lease….but The Bullet is hard to beat for value. However….. every once in a while…..something needs attention. This weekend was one of those times I’ve asked myself and The Bullet "WHAT NOW?"

Hub caps have started spinning off as of late. I cannot understand why this is happening. Although they’re after-market knock-offs from Wal-Mart the hub caps have been trouble free for nearly a year. But now fellow drivers and pedestrians are eyeballing me. These things are coming off at the most embarrassing times like Odd Job’s bowler hat from the James Bond Goldfinger episode. One came off last week as I was driving through the Copley Square area in Boston. Just as I drove past a crowd standing at a light the front right cap flung off in their direction, sending everyone scattering. This weekend I went to buy a new set at Wal-Mart. I duly installed them in the parking lot and proceeded to drive out only to hear that familiar rattling sound. Once again, The Bullet was losing body parts in front of a bunch of people. In the Wal-Mart parking lot. I briefly thought about continuing on as I looked at the errant, wobbling, cap from my rear view mirror. I didn’t want to stop and pick it up because the thought of losing a hub cap in the parking lot of Wal-Mart was just…so…ugh.

Port side


If that were not enough The Bullet shed a cap for the third time as I drove a back road in Billerica. I saw it chasing us in the rear view mirror before it veered off into the woods. I stopped to pick it up, and saw that it came to rest up against the lower branches of a small tree. I had to go back later and recreate the tableau for a photo because it was funny in a goofy way.

Waitin' for the man

The Bullet is a spry old jalopy with a good body and plenty of pep…but a car missing body parts is like a person missing teeth. Down one hub cap can be forgiven as part of the progressive phases of wear and tear. But two missing hub caps bring to mind the word "shabby". This unfortunate circumstance is compounded by the need for maintenance on the rear suspension. Good thing I don’t have to get it inspected until next year.

I suppose I could view this is a Bad News/Good News kind of thing.

Bad news: The Bullet looks ghetto.

Good news: The Bullet still runs sweet.