Sunday, February 5, 2023

Despite the erratic behavior of Old Man Winter this season we've been able to find New England's Winter Wonder Land in Warren, Vermont this past January. We went on a couple of excursions around Blue Berry Lake which hosts a half a dozen multipurpose trails for hikers, snowshoers, fat bikers, and doggie runners. 

The sugar coated tress were a beautiful compliment to a bright blue bird day with nary a trace of wind.

Our good friend Chuck accompanied us on the first day of hiking.

The sense of serenity is alluring.

Some of the locals like to ice fish and run their poochies across the frozen and dusted lake.

Some folks are quite lucky to have winter homes on the low ranges around Blue Berry Lake.

Weekend #2 brought us back to greater snow depth to allow us to put on the snowshoes.

And this was sufficient justification for hot cider and bourbon back at the chalet.